
Criteria & Policies

Recipients of funding from our Foundation agree to comply with the following:

Grant Agreement, Follow Up, and Reporting

  • You will receive a grant approval email shortly after your grant is approved with payment information and instructions for completing the online Grant Acceptance Agreement. All approved grant applicants are required to sign a Grant Acceptance Agreement via the Online Grant Application System before the Foundation releases any funds.
  • You will receive an outline of the publicity expectations for the grant.
  • We require a Final Report for all grants.
  • Depending on your grant, we may require a six-month Interim Report.  Both reports must be completed online.

Grant Modifications

The Foundation recognizes that project circumstances may change over the life of a grant, warranting modification to the grant time frame or other terms. When this occurs, a grantee is required to notify the Foundation and seek advance written approval to modify the grant terms by submitting the Budget Reallocation Approval form. Changes requiring such notification include, but are not limited to:

  • Extension of the grant period to permit additional time to complete supported activities
  • Reallocation of funds from one budget category to another
  • Rollover of funds from an older Foundation grant into a newer grant awarded for a similar purpose

Please note: Foundation staff do not regularly consider requests to alter the basic purpose of a grant or that seek to modify matching conditions. Grantees should consult with the Foundation Director about such requests, as they may require Board review and approval.

Matching Funds Payment Request

For grants with a matching component, the Foundation's award letter sets forth the terms of payments, including the matching ratio, the time frame for raising matching funds, and the payment installment amounts. The Foundation will issue payments upon receipt of satisfactory evidence that a match, or portion of a match as specified in the award letter, has been made.

Please note: Only gifts received (pledges or cash in hand) after the grant award and designated for the Foundation-supported project can qualify as matching contributions.